MTIMA's Story

July 3, 2022

MTIMA's Story

MTIMA is a registered Canadian non-governmental organization with a focus on elevating healthcare standards in Malawi. MTIMA is a team of international healthcare, business and technology professionals living in Canada and are inspired by Malawi and the Malawian people. MTIMA seeks to make a positive contribution to the heart health of the Malawian people and is working to advance healthcare programs to improve lives in Malawi through medical education, social advocacy, and diagnostic cardiac testing.

Dr. David McCarty listens to ICU situation


MTIMA works with partners to provide academic and clinical education to Malawian healthcare professionals.

MTIMA works with partners and volunteers to help those in need and looks to them, not only for their clinical knowledge and expertise, but also their creative ideas, to provide academic and clinical education to Malawian health care professionals.


MTIMA seeks to promote healthy hearts in Malawi by empowering healthcare providers to deliver high quality care to their communities.
MTIMA's Journey

MTIMA mission started with a commitment to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and the promotion of a healthy heart for everyone in Malawi. We are dedicated assisting with medical education and to working with Malawian healthcare providers to deliver quality training and diagnostic services to Malawian patients.

MTIMA affirms the priority given to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and acknowledges heart diseases as a leading cause of non-communicable diseases as indicated in recent Government of Malawi policy documents.

We believe that Malawi’s greatest resource in delivering cardiovascular care rests in Malawian health care practitioner - so we aim to help educate, train, equip, and support these professionals to become the best they can be, and that this empowered workforce will lead solutions to the cardiovascular healthcare challenges facing Malawi.

Dr. Karim Taha teaching medical students

MTIMA seeks to help Malawi to build sustainable systems for educating, training, equipping and supporting Malawian health care providers. We work with premier institutions in Malawi to achieve these goals in a collaborative fashion.

MTIMA actively promotes CVD prevention, because we recognize the importance of rapid detection, precise diagnosis, and evidence-based treatment for Malawians who have developed CVD. MTIMA seeks to understand how the power of innovative technologies can be harnessed to deliver Malawian healthcare solutions.

Sonographer, Marcello Na, scanning a paediatric patient

MTIMA aims to inspire Malawian young people to become the next generation of leaders in delivering healthy hearts in the warm heart of Africa.

Malawi - the Warm Heart of Africa

We believe that Malawi’s greatest resource in delivering cardiovascular care rests in Malawian health care practitioner - so we aim to help educate, train, equip, and support these professionals to become the best they can be, and that this empowered workforce will lead solutions to the cardiovascular healthcare challenges facing Malawi.
+1 647 633 1030